Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Braised pork ribs made easy!

Pork short ribs are cheap at the Chinese butchers. It's that piece that's not really a proper "spare rib" so it's not as nicely presentable, but it's not the 'finger' portions in between the ribs because it still has bits of bone.
Here are all the ingredients used:
2 spring onions chopped to 2 cm
1 kg of pork short ribs (they can come already cut into pieces if your butcher is nice or you just chop them up when you get strips of them)
the bowl contains a mixture of Oyster Sauce, Light Soy (almost equaly portions of 50mL)
Raw Sugar (80g)
Shaoxing Chinese Cooking Wine (50mL)
50mL cooking oil (I use EVOO)

The Method to my madness:
1. Cooking oil & raw sugar, heat at Varoma temperature for 2 mins, Sp1.
2. Add meat and spring onions. Cook for 6 mins, Varoma, Sp soft (rev). Until meat is slightly browned.
3. Add cooking wine, sauces. Cook for 22 mins, Varoma, Sp soft (rev).

Tips? Hmm, I guess you could cook it for as long as you wish. It actually is cooked through by about 20 mins, leave it in longer if you want more falling off the bone meat. Also leaving the MC off is a great idea. Whole house smelt of braised pork!

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