Tuesday 6 March 2012

Power-up, Rev-up & Cook!

To give a bit of context of why I'm blogging, I'm Chinese and living in Australia and LOVE food. This is not my first blog, but it is the first due to the addition to my kitchen appliance repetoire. Sidetrack, I love eating out and always end up analysing recipes so I can cook it at home (easily), I read a lot of recipe blogs/posts/magazines - for the food pornography. I also try to cook a number of dishes myself and love to entertain friends and family. It has taken me a long time to get around to buying a Thermomix. The TM is being delivered tonight!

I'm excited to start cooking and exploring the existing recipes on the "Everyday Cookbook" (EDC). Reading the forums, I know I'll like expanding on it too and test out some of the more Asian recipes in my repetoire in the TM and see how it works in terms of time saving and taste. Mainly taste. Time is money but Taste can't be substituted by money or time.

So in order to keep me on track in testing out all the recipes in the book. I'm going to Meal Plan and blog using this. Partially as reviews of the recipes and adding what I think would be good substitutes or changes. I will of course consult the Forums and use Google to help me find alternative recipes (such as Steph Berg's Vegetarian Recipes and TM Australia & Rick's TM blog).

First up - my intentions is to try:
A soup
Meatloaf on p.100 of the EDC (Australian)
Mushroom Sauce on p.59 of the EDC (Australian)
Mash potato
Steamed vegies in the Varoma.
A sorbet (vegan) OR Nougat ice cream (Dairy free & vegan friendly)
Almond shortbread (might try a vegan variation later)

I'm hoping this all goes well and I shall be able to post photos of how they turned out! Oh I do vegan variations as I'm thinking about cooking for my vegan boyfriend... who really isn't into food. Yes the contrast in lifestyle is drastic. I hoping and believe the TM is going to be fun and easy to help out at meal times!

Wish me luck!

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